Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Gebäude Adam-Kuckhoff-Strasse


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Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Monographien und Herausgeberschaften

Ed. with Henriette von Holleufer and Oliver Haag. Enlightened Powers: American, French and British Interactions in Botany Bay, 1788-1800. Australian Studies Journal / Zeitschrift für Australienstudien Special Edition 32 (2018).

Ed. Matthew Flinders: Die Entdeckungsreise nach Australien, 1801-1803. Übersetzung von Ferdinand Götze. Wiesbaden: Erdmann, 2014.

Where Fiction Ends: Four Scandals of Literary Identity Construction. ZAA Monograph Series vol. 3. Würzburg: Könighausen und Neumann, 2006.

rezensiert in:

ZAA 57.2 (2009): 202-3 (Rez. Christoph Ehland).

Anglistik 20.1 (März 2009): 230-1 (Rez. Matthias Merkl).

Zeitschriften- und Buchbeiträge

"Revolutions, Religion and the Castle Hill Rebellion, 1804." in Enlightened Powers: American, French and British Interactions in Botany Bay, 1788-1800. Ed. with Henriette von Holleufer and Oliver Haag. Australian Studies Journal / Zeitschrift für Australienstudien Special Edition 32 (2018). <   >

"'Stuck a Bayonet into the grave & Renew'd their Oath': The American Revolution and the First Fleet." in Beyond 1776: Globalizing the Cultures of the American Revolution. Ed. Maria O'Malley and Denys van Renen. Charlottesville, Virg.: University of Virginia Press, 2018. 189-205.

"Anzac Day in Australien und Neuseeland." in Der Erste Weltkrieg - La Grande Guerre - The Great War - Veliki Rat: Erinnerungen zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Eds. Sabine Volk-Birke, Hans-Jürgen Grabbe and Dorothee Röseberg. Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2016. 249-268.

"Exoticising Colonial History: British Authors' Australian Convict Novels." in Exoticising the Past in Contemporary Neo-Historical Fiction. Ed. Elodie Rousselot. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 55-68.

"'The ultimate metaphor': The cane toad as Australian icon." in Visualising Australia: Images, Icons, Imaginations. Eds. Renate Brosch and Kylie Crane. KOALAS vol. 11. Trier: WVT, 2014. 151-170.

"Ridiculously Ethnic? Othering and Counterstrategies in Contemporary Novels." in Ethics and Poetics: Ethical Recognitions and Social Reconfigurations in Modern Narratives. Eds. Margret Gunnarsdottir Champion and Irina Rasmussen Goloubeva. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 55 - 80.

"Prison Without Walls: The Tasmanian Bush in Australian Convict Novels." Antipodes 27.2 (Dec. 2013): 143-148.

"'My country, my England': Warren Ellis’s graphic novels and England at war" in Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings. Eds. Katrin Röder and Ilse Wischer. Trier: WVT, 2012. 297-310.

"Reading 'Upstream!': An Unconsidered Source Text to Julian Barnes' Eighth Chapter of A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters." in Postcolonial Translocations: Cultural Representation and Critical Spatial Thinking. Eds. Marga Munkelt, Markus Schmitz et al. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2013. 163-179.

"Embodying the Borderlands of El Dorado: English Perceptions of the Guiana Natives, 1500-1800." ZAA 59.3 (2011): 209-226.

"Illuminating the Occult: W. B. Yeats in Nick Bantock's Griffin and Sabine Series." Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts (JFA), 21.1 (Spring 2010): 5-25.

"A Human Incarnate: Gaiman and Pratchett's Good Omens." In End of Days: Essays on the Apocalypse from Antiquity to Modernity. Eds. Karolyn Kinane and Michael A. Ryan. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2009. 242-264.

"Australia." in English Literatures Across the Globe: A Companion. Ed. Lars Eckstein. Paderborn: UTB (Fink), 2007. 179-200.

"Stereotypes and the Autobiography of a Fictional Author: Helen Demidenko's ethnic performance in the light of her short story 'Other Places.' World Literatures Written in English vol.40 no.2 (2004): 40-51.

Publikationen unter dem Geburtsnamen Caiter

Zeitschriften- und Buchbeiträge

"Arnim, Elizabeth von; Russell, Elizabeth" in: Lexikon der Weltliteratur: Bio-bibliographisches Handwörterbuch nach Autoren und anonymen Werken. Vol 2. Hg. Gero v. Wilpert. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2004. 1571.

"Gilmore, Mary Jean" in ibid. vol. 1. 664.

"Grove, Frederick Philip" in ibid. vol. 1. 713.

"Hall, Rodney" in ibid. vol. 1. 740.

"Herbert, (Alfred Jackson) Xavier" in ibid. vol. 1. 780.

"Hospital, Janette Turner" in ibid. vol. 1. 813-4.

"Ireland, David" in ibid. vol. 1. 847.

"Jolley, Elizabeth" in ibid. vol. 1. 891.

"Keneally, Thomas" in ibid. vol. 1. 935.

"Lawson, Henry Archibald" in ibid. vol. 2. 1029.

"Linsay, Jack" in ibid. vol. 2. 1067.

"Mansfield, Katherine" in ibid. vol. 2. 1144-1145.

"McAuley, James Phillip" in ibid. vol. 2. 1101.

"Mackenzie, Kenneth" in ibid. vol. 2. 1113.

"Nowra, Louis" in ibid. vol. 2. 1320.

"Paterson, Andrew Barton" in ibid. vol. 2. 1382.

"Prichard, Katherine Susannah" in ibid. vol. 2. 1459.

"Russell, Elizabeth (Mary Annette)" in ibid. vol. 2. 1571.

"Stead, Christian Karl" in ibid. vol. 2. 1719.

"Stead, Christina (Ellen)" in ibid. vol. 2. 1719.

"White, Patrick" in ibid. vol. 2. 1937.

"Wilding, Michael" in ibid. vol. 2. 1943.

"Censored Creativity: B. Wongar's Original Version of Walg", Sojourner and Strangers: Journal of Australian Studies 77 (2003): 117-121.

"Ecological Mission and Romantic Redemption: The Return of the Native in the Antipodes”. In Colonies - Missions - Cultures in the English-Speaking World: General and Comparative Studies Ed. Gerhardt Stilz. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2001. 373-382.

"The Other Side of Us: Australian National Identity and Constructions of the Aboriginal," Australian Humanities Review (Dec 1998) <   >


Jochen Achilles und Carmen Birkle (Hg.), Transformations of Cultural Identity in the English-Speaking World (Heidelberg, 1998), in ZAA 4.4 (1999): 407

K. K. Ruthven, Faking Literature (Cambridge, 2001), in Bad Subjects.

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