PD Dr. Julia Nitz
phone: 55-23547
room 2.06
Adam-Kuckhoff-Straße 35
06108 Halle (Saale)
siehe Stud.IP
PD Dr. Julia Nitz
23/01/2019 | Habilitierung und Erteilung der Venia Legendi für Amerikanistik und Transatlantikstudien | |
seit 10/2015 | Mitarbeiterin in der Angloamerikanischen Kulturwissenschaft der MLU Halle-Wittenberg | |
02/2011- 09/2015 | Wiss. Assistentin in der Angloamerikanischen Kulturwissenschaft der MLU Halle-Wittenberg (Lehrstuhl: Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Grabbe (bis 10.2012)/Prof. Dr. Erik Redling (ab 04.2013) | |
12/2009 – 12/2013 | Geschäftsführung des Zentrum für USA-Studien (ZUSAS) MLU Halle-Wittenberg: Organisation von Tagungen, Seminaren und Weiterbildungen, Einwerbung von Drittmitteln, Administration | |
04/2010 – 09/2010 | Lehrbeauftragte im Bereich Fachdidaktik Englisch und Angloamerikanische Kulturwissenschaft der MLU Halle-Wittenberg | |
04/2006 – 03/2010 | Lehrbeauftragte im Bereich englische Literaturwissenschaft der MLU Halle-Wittenberg | |
10/2005 – 08/2009 | Promotion zum Dr. phil an der MLU Halle-Wittenberg Bereiche: Englische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft/ Medienwissenschaften | |
06/2005 – 10/2006 | Wiss. Hilfskraft an der MLU Halle-Wittenberg | |
10/2004 – 04/2005 | Teaching Assistant in Mulhouse, Frankreich | |
09/2001 – 04/2002 | Visiting Student an der Swansea University, Wales, GB | |
05/2000 – 10/2003 | Studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Anglistik/Literaturwissenschaft der MLU Halle-Wittenberg (Prof. Dr. Sabine Volk-Birke) | |
10/1999 – 06/2004 | Deutsch als Fremdsprache an der MLU Halle-Wittenberg (Zusatzstudium mit Zertifikat) | |
10/1997 – 02/2004 | Magisterstudium mit zwei Hauptfächern: Anglistik/Amerikanistik und Medien-und Kommunikationswissenschaften an der MLU Halle-Wittenberg | |
09/1996 – 0471997 | Columbus State Community College Ohio, USA: Geschichtliches Seminar |
- Kulturgeschichte USA im 19. Jahrhundert mit Schwerpunkt Südstaaten
- Frauen und Geschlechterstudien/Transatlantische Frauennetzwerke
- Britische Monarchie und nationale Erinnerungsräume
- Kognitive Narratologie und Geschichtsschreibung (medien- und genreübergreifend)
- Anglophone Karibik
- Adaptionsstudien/Filmtheorie und -analyse
1. Monographien
- Southern Belles and English Poets: Intertextuality in White Southern Women's Civil War Diaries. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2020.
- Ein kognitives Lesemodell historio(bio)graphischer Texte. Georg III. – Rezeption und Konstruktion in den britischen Medien (1990 - 2006). Trier: WVT, 2010. (in der Reihe: Handbücher und Studien zur Medienkulturwissenschaft, Hg. Knut Hickethier und Ansgar Nünning).
2. Herausgeberschaften
- mit Axel Schäfer. Women and US Politics: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2020.
- mit S. H. Petrulionis, T. Schön. Intercontinental Crosscurrents. Women's Networks across Europe and the Americas. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2016.
- mit S. H. Petrulionis. Towards a Historiographic Narratology/Auf dem Weg zu einer Narratologie der Geschichtsschreibung, SPIEL 30.1 (2011).
- Katalog zur Bibliothek des halleschen Anglisten Hans Weyhe (1920–1953 Professor an der Universität Halle) zusammengestellt und mit einem Vorwort von Julia Nitz. Halle: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2011.
- mit S. Volk-Birke. Anglistentag Halle 2006 Proceedings. Vol. XXVIII. Trier: WVT, 2007.
3. Zeitschriftenartikel
- DANIELE, D.:, M. Saxton, L. Tosiello, J. Šesnić, C. Roudeau, J. Nitz, A. López-Varela, M. Net, M. Keck, E. Gordon Ginzburg, V. Laschinger, A. Paulauskienė, H.J.E. Champion, A. Flint, R. J. Poole, M. Daly-Galeano. “Louisa May Alcott’s Rhetoric of Love: A Forum on the 13th Meeting of the European Study Group of Nineteenth-Century American Literature.” RSA Journal 31 (2020): 151–74.
- „Separate Spheres Ideology, Education Debate and Conjugal Bliss in Louisa May Alcott's ‘Anna's Whim’“ Love and Misfits in the Fiction of Louisa May Alcott. Hg. Daniela Daniel. Italian Journal of American Studies, erscheint 2020.
- "History, a Literary Artifact? – The Travelling Concept of Narrative in/on Historiographic Discourse," Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 15.1 (2013): 69-85.
- "In Fact No Fiction: Historiographic Paratext," SPIEL 30.1 (2011): 89–111.
- "Towards a Historiographic Narratology: Résumé," SPIEL 30.1 (2011): 1–6.
- "History on the Small Screen: Televisual Adaptations of the Past," Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance 3.2 (2010): 141-55.
- "Deutsche Fürsten auf Englands Thron, Teil 1," P.M. History (Januar 2006): 24-30.
- "Deutschen Fürsten auf Englands Thron, Teil 2," P.M. History (Februar 2006): 6-13.
4. Buchbeiträge
- “Southern Women's Autobiographical Cultural Histories as Sites of Nation Building.” Connecting Women: National and International Networks during the Long Nineteenth Century. Washington: Smithsonian Institute Scholarly Press, erscheint 2019.
- “The Literary Politics of Southern Women’s Civil War Diaries.” Women and U.S. Politics. eds. Julia Nitz and Axel Schäfer. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, erscheint 2019.
- Lunatics' Paradise: Jamaica in 1990s Film. Article for a collection.
- mit Nicole Gabriel. “Formen und Gattungen.” Adaption. Ed. Rainer Emig and Lucia Krämer. Berlin: De Gruyter, erscheint 2019.
- "Transatlantic Negotiations of the Female Bildungsroman:
Mary Johnston’s Hagar (1913) and the New 'Global' Woman." Intercontinental Crosscurrents. Women's Networks across Europe and the Americas, eds. Julia Nitz, Sandra H. Petrulionis, Theresa Schön. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2016. 165-182. - "Byronic Heroines ad Darwinian Types. Southern Women's (Post-) Bellum Identity Construction." Traveling Traditions. Nineteenth-Century Cultural Concepts and Transatlantic Intellectual Networks, ed. Erik Redling. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2016. 171-185.
- "The Reconstruction of the Past in Museum Narratives: A View from Narratology." The Museal Turn, eds. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner and Douglas Brown. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2012. 173-188.
- "A 'Natural' Reading of Historiographical Texts: George III at Kew." Narratology in the Age of Interdisciplinary Narrative Research, eds. Sandra Heinen and Roy Sommer. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2009. 228-243.
5. Rezensionen
- Marius Henderson und Julia Lange (Eds.) Entangled Memories: Remembering the Holocaust in a Global Age. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017; in Anglia 138.1 (2020): 197-201.
- „Relational Selves and Fictional Worlds: Self-fashioning in White Southern U.S. Women’s Civil War Diaries“ Lives in Transition: Negotiating the Currents in a Changing World. The 4th Biennial Conference of the IABA Americas Chapter (University of the West Indies at Mona, Kingston, Jamaika, 12.–15. Juni 2019).
- "Southern Belles and English Poets: Intertextual Self-Fashioning in Southern Women's Civil War Diaries" (University Fribourg, 5. März 2019)
- “Das Paradies der Irren: Jamaika und Film der 1990er Jahre” (Ringvorlesung: Karibik: Konfliktualität und Relation, Halle, 27.06. 2018)
- “Transatlantic Anti-Heroines and Woman Warriors” (Transatlantic Women 3: Women of the Green Atlantic, Dublin, 24.-26.06.2018)
- “The Literary Politics of Southern Women's Civil War Diaries” (Women and U. S. Politics. A Symposium in Honor of Hans-Jürgen Grabbe, Wittenberg, 25.-27. Sept. 2017)
- "The Relational Selves of Mary Russell Mitford and Rebecca Harding Davis: A Transatlantic Tradition of Women's Life Writing” (Border Crossings: Translation, Migration, & Gender in the Americas, the Transatlantic, & the Transpacific; Society for the Study of American Women Writers, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 5.-8. Juli 2017)
- “Clairvoyance and Mesmerism in American Detective Fiction by Metta Fuller Victor and Anna Katharine Green” (European Study Group of Nineteenth-Century American Literature, Erfurt, 3.-4. Sept. 2015);
- “Die Southern Belle im Film Gone with the Wind” (“150 Jahre Ende des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs,” Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Saarbrücken, 1. Okt. 2015);
- “From Southern Belle to New Southern Woman: Plantation Fiction and Female Identity” (“American Literature to 1865,” Penn State Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA, 3. Nov. 2015);
- “Transnational Liminal Spaces: The Construction of Womanhood in the Long 19th Century” (Sektionsleitung: “Society for the Study of American Women Writers 2015 Conference,” Philadelphia, USA, 4.-8. Nov. 2015);
- “Intertextuality and Identity Formation in Southern Women’s Personal Civil War Narratives” (“Society for the Study of American Women Writers 2015 Conference,” Philadelphia, USA, 4.-8. Nov. 2015;
- “The New Woman in Short Fiction,” (mit Laura S. Rommelfanger, Workshop, “Current Issues in the EFL-Classroom,” Wittenberg, 28. Nov. 2015).
- “The Quest for “Citizenship”: Southern Women’s (Personal) Narratives of the American Civil War, 1861–1939,” Gastvortrag, TU Dresden, 24. April 2014.
- “Southern Women as Plantation Space: Plantation Fiction and the Southern Belle,” Gastvortrag, Universität Jena, 14. Mai 2014.
- “Erleben – Erinnern – Erschreiben: Kognitiv-narratologische Muster der Erinnerung in Bürgerkriegserzählungen US-amerikanischer Südstaatenfrauen,” Ringvorlesung “Kognitive Ansätze in der Literaturwissenschaft,” RWTH Aachen, 27. Juni 2014.
- “From Southern Belle to New Southern Woman: Plantation Fiction and Female Identity,” Gastvortrag, Universität Mannheim, 14. November 2014.
- “Religion, Mormons and Popular Culture in the EFL-classroom,” Workshop, Lehrerfortbildung “Current Issues in the EFL-Classroom,” Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 28. November 2014.
- "Byronic Heroines and Darwinian Types: Southern Women's (Post-)bellum Identity Construction," Traveling Traditions: Nineteenth-Century Negotiations of Cultural Concepts in Transatlantic Intellectual Networks, Halle (Saale), 17.-19. April 2014.
- "Transatlantic Negotiations of the Female Bildungsroman: Mary Johnston’s Hagar (1913) and the New 'Global' Woman," Intercontinental Crosscurrents: Women's (Net-)works across Europe and the Americas (1776-1939), Wittenberg, 5.-7. Dezember 2013.
- "The Quest for Citizenship: Southern Women's Narratives of the American Civil War 1961-1939," 3. Landesweiter Tag der Genderforschung in Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (Saale), 12. November 2013.
- "'Rebel in Heart and Soul:' The Adaptation of Past Selves in Southern Women's Civil War Narratives," Disturbing Adaptations; The 9th Annual Conference of the Association of Adaptation Studies, Växjö, Schweden, 26.-27. September 2013.
- "Remembering the Civil War: Southern American Women Diarists and Their Editors," Inaugural What’s Up Down South talk featuring Julia Nitz, 19. März 2013, Center for the Study of the American South, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. http://south.unc.edu/category/whats-up-down-south/
- "The Plantation as a Discursive Space of Empowerment and Suppression in the Post-Bellum South," 60th Annual Convention of the German Association for American Studies, Erlangen, 30. Mai-2. Juni 2013.
- "Cultural Adaptation of Nineteenth-Century Photographs of Blacks in Civil War Discourse," Visual Histories of the United States, Jahrestagung der Historiker in der DgfA, Tutzing, 8.-10. Februar 2013.
- "The Female Gaze: Women Diarists and Chroniclers of the American Civil War," Workshop zur 59. Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies, Mainz, 31. Mai-3. Juni 2012.
- "The White Castle of Louisiana: A 'Sentimental' Memoir," Narrative Matters Conference, Paris, 29. Mai-1. Juni 1 2012.
- "Photographic Narratives in Ken Burns’s The Civil War," Adapting Historical Narratives, De Montfort University Leicester, 28. Februar 2012.
- "The Amazon Phenomenon: New Contextual Paratexts of Historiographic Narratives," MLA Annual Convention, Los Angeles, 6.-9. Januar 2011.
- "Historio(bio)graphy and the narrative concept," The Travelling Concept of Narrative II International and Interdisciplinary Symposium, London, 11.-13. November 2010.
- "Reading the mind of Lo: Kubrick's and Lyne's Lolita," 25th Annual Conference of the International Society of the Study of Narrative, Cleveland, 7.-11. April 2010.
- "George III at the Queen's Gallery," Museum Narratives: Annual Conference on Literature and Culture, Salzburg, 5.-8. November 2009.
- "Reading the mind of Lo: Kubrick's and Lyne's Lolita," 4th Annual Association of Adaptation Studies Conference, London, 24.-25. September 2009.
- "Internal Worlds in Swift's and Schepisi's Last Orders," Third Annual Association of Literature on Screen Conference, Amsterdam, 24.-26. September 2008.
- "From Staged History to Cultural Memory," Cultures of Translation: Adaptation in Film and Performance, Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries, University of Glamorgan, Cardiff, 26.-28. Juni 2008.
- "A 'Natural' Reading of Historiographical Texts: George III at Kew," Inaugural Symposium: Narratology in the Age of Interdisciplinary Narrative Research, Wuppertal, 25.-26. Juni 2007.
- "'Imagined King' - George III in Today's British Media," poster presentation at the ESF-LiU Conference Literature for Europe: European Identities and European Literature in a Globalizing World, Vadstena, Sweden, 12.-16. Mai 2007.
2019 | Auszeichnung exzellenter Lehre durch das Lernlabor des Zentrums für multimediales Lehren und Lernens der MLU Halle-Wittenberg |
2018 | Fulbright American Studies Institute Scholarship |
2017 | @Ward Preis für multimediales Lehren und Lernen der MLU Halle-Wittenberg |
2014 | Frauenförderung der MLU Halle-Wittenberg für eine studentische Hilfskraft und Reisekosten |
02/2013 – 03/2013 | Forschungsstipendium des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Washington |
2013 | Frauenfördermittel zur Unterstützung der Qualifikation mit dem Ziel der Netzwerkbildung für Habilitandinnen der MLU Halle-Wittenberg |
11/2012 | DAAD Reisestipendium zur Teilnahme am Vierten Internationalen Symposium des Finnish Oral History Network "Private and Public Memory" in Helsinki, Finnland |
2012 | Frauenförderung der MLU Halle-Wittenberg für Konferenzreisen |
2012 | Helene Richter Preis vom deutschen Anglistenverband e.V. Stiftung "In Memoriam Helene Richter (1861-1942)" |
01/2011 | DAAD Reisestipendium zur Teilnahme an der Jahreskonferenz der Modern Language Association in Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA |
2010 | Frauenförderung der MLU Halle-Wittenberg zur Teilnahme der Jahreskonferenz der International Society for the Study of Narrative in Cleveland, Ohio, USA |
12/2009 | DFG Reisestipendium zur Teilnahme an der Konferenz zu Museum Narratives in Salzburg, Österreich |
2006/2007 | Frauenförderung der MLU Halle-Wittenberg für Konferenzreisen in Schweden und Deutschland |
10/2005 – 06/2008 | Graduiertenförderung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt |
03/2006 – 06/2006 | Forschungsstipendium des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London |
09/2017 | Wittenberg Symposium on Women and U.S. Politics (mit Axel Schäfer, Universität Mainz) Venue: Leucorea Wittenberg |
05/2017 | Spiritual Networks: Religion in Literature and the Arts 1700 to Present (mit Therese-Marie Meyer, Jürgen Meyer und Theresa Schön) Venue: MLU Halle-Wittenberg |
11/2016 | Intercontinental Cross-Currents: Women's (Net-)Works across Europe and the Americas. 2nd conference: The Dynamics of Power: Inclusion and Exclusion in Women’s Networks during the Long Nineteenth Century Venue: Institute of Arts and Humanities, University of Minho, Braga, Portuga |
12/2013 | Intercontinental Cross-Currents: Women's (Net-)Works across Europe and the Americas (1776-1939) http://www.crosscurrents.uni-halle.de/archive/crosscurrents_2013/ |
06/2005– 10/2006 | Anglistentag 2006 in Halle (Saale): Mitorganisation als wiss. Hilfskraft an der MLU Halle Wittenberg |
Lehrerfortbildungen und studentische Workshops
- "Current Issues of American Culture in the EFL-Classroom" (Wittenberg, 22.-24. Nov. 2018), in Kooperation mit Martina Kohl (Botschaft der USA, Berlin) und dem U.S. Generalkonsulat Leipzig: Vorträge: Joseph Slade: "Beyond the Mask: Paul Laurence Dunbar"; Rebecca Rukeyser: "The Homestead, a Novel-in Progress"; Judith Yaross Lee: "Brother Jonathan Runs for President: Vernacular Values and Spoof Campaigns"; David Goldfield: "When Government Was Good"; Marie Schönherr: "Mockumentary Sitcoms in the EFL-Classroom"; Charlott Falkenhagen: "The Importance of Being First’-Analysing Civil Rights, Black Womanhood and the Era Obama in the Feature Film Hidden Figures"; Julia Nitz: "Discussion of Cultural Varieties of the Thanksgiving Tradition"; Rebecca Rukeyser: "Integrating Creative Writing in the EFL-Classroom"; Therese-Marie Meyer: "Nanabozho! Representations of an Indigenous Trickster Figure"
- “Current Issues of American Culture in the EFL-Classroom/Annual American Studies Seminar 2017” ( 23.-25. Nov. 2017), in Kooperation mit Martina Kohl (Botschaft der USA, Berlin) und dem U. S. Generalkonsulat Leipzig – Gehaltene Vorträge: Jeremy D. Mayer (George Mason University), Michael Lederer (Leucorea Library), Monica Cure (Biola University, CA), Layna Mosley (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Christina A. Ziegler-McPherson (German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven), Jana Honegger (University Jena), Dr. Martina Kohl (U.S. Botschaft Berlin), Nele Rodiek (MLU Halle).
- Current Issues of American Culture in the EFL-Classroom/ASC-Meeting 2015" (26.-28. Nov. 2015), in Kooperation mit Martina Kohl (Botschaft der USA, Berlin). Gehaltene Vorträge: Babette Babich (Fordham U., New York City; Fulbright Professor, HU Berlin), Paul Rundquist (MLU Halle), Verena Laschinger (U. Erfurt), Peter Schildhauer (MLU Halle), Carsten Albers (MLU Halle), Martina Kohl (U.S. Embassy Berlin), Michelle Sudbrock (Wittenberg), Julia Nitz (MLU Halle) and Laura S. Rommelfanger (U. Leipzig).
- "Current Issues in the EFL-Classroom – American Studies Committee Meeting 2014" (27.-29. November 2014). Lehrerfortbildung in Kooperation mit Martina Kohl (Botschaft der USA, Berlin). Vortragende: Dr. Christina A. Ziegler-McPherson (Fulbrightprofessor, Universität Bremen); Picador Professor Michael Lowenthal (Universität Leipzig); Prof. Dr. Jonathan Fox (Freie Universität Berlin); Dr. Julia Nitz (MLU Halle); Gary W. Lovan (Universität Potsdam); Dr. Martina Kohl (U.S. Botschaft Berlin); Christianna Stavroudis (Universität Greifswald); Pavan Kumar Malreddy (Universität Frankfurt).
- "Immigrant Nation: How America Became a Multi-Ethnic Society" / "Global Issues from a U.S. Perspective: Green Cities," Lehrerfortbildung und Gastvorträge von Professor David Goldfield (University of North Carolina), Halle (Saale), 17. September 2013. Kooperationspartner: LISA Halle, US Embassy Berlin.
- "American Culture(s)," American Studies Committee Meeting 2012, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 22.-24. November 2012. Kooperationspartner: US Embassy Berlin. Vortragende: Dr. Tony R. Magagna (Fulbright Professor, Potsdam), Dr. Katherine D. Moran (Fulbright Professor, Free University Berlin), Prof. Dr. Alexander Brock (MLU Halle Wittenberg), David Rinderknecht (Leipzig), Amber Smith (Leipzig)
- "Aspects of American Culture," Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 27.-28. April 2012. Kooperationspartner: LISA Halle, Thillm, US Embassy Berlin. Vortragende: James Griffin (Humboldt University Berlin), Barry Shank (Fulbright Professor, University of Regensburg), Dr. Julianne Lynch (Fulbright Professor, University of Potsdam), Julian Namé (Frankfurt a. M.)
- "Their Stories," American Studies Committee Meeting 2011, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 24.-26. November 2011. Kooperationspartner: US Embassy Berlin, US Consulate General Leipzig. Vortragende: Dr. Julianne Lynch (Fulbright Professor, University of Potsdam), Anton Hieke (ZUSAS, MLU Halle Wittenberg), Prof. Dr. Kevin Mumford (Fulbright Professor, University of Erfurt), Prof. Dr. Kirsten Fischer (Fulbright Professor, University of Heidelberg)
- "The American Civil War Revisited," Halle (Saale), 19. September 2011. Kooperationspartner: US Embassy Berlin. Vortragende: Paul Finkelmann (Albany Law School), Brian Schoen (Ohio State University), Aaron Sheehan-Dean (West Virginia University)
- "Wittenberg Spring Seminar: The Obama Administration Past Mid-Point," Blockseminar für Studierende, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 6.-8. Mai 2011. Kooperationspartner: US Embassy Berlin. Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Paul Rundquist (MLU Halle Wittenberg), Molly Hall (Potsdam), Prof. Dr. Crister S. Garrett (University of Leipzig), Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Grabbe, Dr. Martina Kohl
- "American Studies Committe Meeting 2012," American Studies and English Teaching Seminar, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 2.-4. Dezember 2010. Kooperationspartner: US Embassy Berlin. Vortragende: Consul James W. Seward (U.S. Consulate General, Leipzig), Prof. Dr. Sandra Petrulionis (Pennsylvania State University, Altoona), Prof. Dr. Matthew Henry (Fulbright Professor, University of Potsdam), Uwe Klemm (Jena), PD Dr. Erik Redling (MLU Halle Wittenberg)
- "Wittenberg Fall Seminar: Public-Private Partnerships: Cultural Diplomacy in the 21st Century," Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 19.-21. November 2010. Kooperationspartner: US Embassy Berlin. Vortragende: Dr. Martina Kohl (U.S. Embassy), Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Grabbe, Elizabeth Corwin (Cultural Attaché, U.S. Embassy), Dr. Ute Bechdolf (Director, German-American Institute Tübingen), Manfred Strack (Director, Amerikazentrum Hamburg)
- "VIII Halle American Studies Seminar: 'Reform and Reform Movements in American History and Culture,'" Blockseminar für Studierende, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 7.-9. Mai 2010. Kooperationspartner: US Embassy Berlin. Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Sandra Petrulionis (Pennsylvania State University / Friedrich Schiller University Jena), Prof. Dr. Gary Edwards (Arkansas State University / Free University of Berlin), Prof. Dr. Steve Estes (Sonoma State University / University of Erfurt), Anton Hieke (M.A.), Carsten Hummel (Dipl.-Angl.), Dr. Julia Lippert
- Intercontinental Crosscurrents Network (Mitbegründerin) http://www.crosscurrents.uni-halle.de
- American Historical Association
- Association of Literature on Screen (Wales)
- Association for Adaptation Studies (UK)
- Deutscher Anglistenverband
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien
- European Narratology Network
- Harriet Beecher Stowe Society (US)
- International Society for the Study of Narrative
- International Association for Autobiography Studies (IABA)
- Southern Historical Association (US)